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Talking About Budgets and Taxes

This toolkit features a compendium of research on how Americans think about budgets and taxes, and how to increase public support for policies that support reforms to the budgeting process and tax...

Toolkit File

Using Data Effectively (Budgets and Taxes)

A brief discussion of how to effectively use data in budgets and taxes discussions, with social math examples.

Toolkit File

Navigating the Swamp (Budgets and Taxes)

A graphic representation of the swamp of dominant patterns of thinking about budgets and taxes. This can serve as a reminder of the themes in public thinking that your communications should avoid.

Toolkit File

You Say…They Think (Budgets and Taxes)

An analysis of a series frame clashes – you say one thing and the public thinks another—which shows how certain ways of framing budget and taxes can get eaten in the swamp.

Toolkit File

Basic Message Template (Budgets and Taxes)

The outline of a new frame for communicating about budgets and taxes. The talking points, FAQs, and Sample Op-Ed in this toolkit show a variety of ways to apply this basic template.

Toolkit File

Talking Points (Budgets and Taxes)

A reminder of the core elements of the budgets and taxes frame for use in preparation for media interviews, editorial board visits, or other public communications.

Toolkit File

Sample Editorial (Budgets and Taxes)

An example of how to apply the framing strategies on tax and budget policy to the format of a guest editorial in a newspaper.

Toolkit File

FAQs (Budgets and Taxes)

Common questions about budgets and taxes, with examples of effective and less-effective responses to each question.


Having Our Say: Getting Priority, Transparency and Agency into the Public Discourse on Budgets and Taxes

This second phase of research uses group discussions to test potential reframes that were generated in the cognitive interviews. This method helps to show how Americans negotiate these issues in...