Journal Articles / Jun 3, 2014
Beyond Prevalence: An Explanatory Approach to Reframing Child Maltreatment in the United Kingdom
Name of publication: Child Abuse & Neglect
Kendall-Taylor, N., Lindland, E., O’Neil, M., & Stanley, K. (2014). Beyond prevalence: An explanatory approach to reframing child maltreatment in the United Kingdom: The most prevalent form of maltreatment, child neglect, gets the least attention from the public and policymakers. Child Abuse & Neglect, 38(5), 810-821.
Section snippets
Gaps Between Expert and Public Thinking
Our research revealed the following gaps between public and expert thinking about child maltreatment in the United Kingdom.
Implications and Recommendations
These gaps can help us understand why people are “stuck” on prevalence and reprehensibility and are largely unable to engage meaningfully in discussions of policy and programmatic solutions that address child maltreatment. More specifically, the gaps impede the translation of expert knowledge — knowledge that has the power to push the public discourse forward and help members of the public reach a deeper understanding of the causes, effects, and solutions to this issue.
Issues: Child Development
Countries: United States