Journal Articles / May 7, 2010
From focus groups to peer discourse sessions: The evolution of a method to capture language, meaning, and negotiation
Name of publication: New Directions for Youth Development
Manuel, T. and Kendall-Taylor, N. (2009), From focus groups to peer discourse sessions: The evolution of a method to capture language, meaning, and negotiation. New Directions for Youth Development, 2009: 61-69.
In this article, the authors describe a unique approach to conducting and analyzing focus groups, described as peer discourse analysis. The primary objective of this analysis is to examine the shape and form of the discourses and negotiations that develop organically among peers in discussions of social issues. Peer discourse analysis has both descriptive and prescriptive utility, as it is also used to experiment with frames that might improve people’s understanding of complex social problems.
Issues: Science Communication
Countries: United States