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Showing 601 – 612 of 681


Framing Healthy Communities: Strategic Communications and the Social Determinants of Health

Details the results of experiments conducted as part of a larger study of health communications research funded by The California Endowment and the W. K. Kellogg Foundation.  This study aims to...


Effects of Explicitness in the Framing of Race

An online experimental survey of 622 people was conducted to test the effects of several reframes on racial attitudes and policies.


How to Talk About Youth Development

This message brief distills research on public thinking about youth and summarizes key communications strategies.

Frame Testing Recommendations

How to Talk About Rural Issues

This Message Brief distills strategies for talking about rural health, rural economic development, and other rural issues.


How to Talk About Government

This Message Brief distills research findings and framing strategies, and offers a summary of key communications strategies on the issue.


Framing Food and Fitness as a Public Issue

Welcome to Framing Food and Fitness as a Public Issue—a framing toolkit of research and applications exploring how Americans think about nutrition and physical activity, the community...


Framing Community Health as if Food and Fitness Mattered

This message memo synthesizes our research and recommends strategies to communicate more effectively about community health issues, such as food and fitness.

Frame Testing Recommendations

How to Talk About Food, Fitness, and Community Health

This Message Brief distills strategies for framing issues like obesity, fitness, and nutrition from a social determinants of health perspective.


Telling the Science Story: An Exploration of Frame Effects on Public Understanding and Support For Early Child Development

This experimental study examines the impact of five key features of the Core Story of Early Childhood Development on public attitudes and policy preferences.


Discussing Public Environments in the Community: A Focus Group Report about Nutrition and Physical Activity

This report recounts findings from focus groups conducted for the FrameWorks Institute as part of a multi-method investigation into how Americans think about community and societal determinants of...


Fostering a Systematic View of Food and Fitness through Metaphor

What metaphors help people see food and fitness as systemic issues, not just lifestyle choices? This study weighs the effects of different comparisons - and finds that some offer more food for...


Calories Not Communities: A Media Content Analysis of Food and Fitness News

A media content analysis to identify the common frames used in the news to communicate issues related to food and physical activity.