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Communicating About the Social Implications of AI: A FrameWorks Strategic Brief

Artificial intelligence (AI): good or evil?


Communicating about the Social Implications of AI: Research Methods and Sample Composition

Research supplement for 'Communicating About the Social Implications of AI: A FrameWorks Strategic Brief.'

External article

What’s Plasticity Got to Do with It? Framing the Need for Children’s Programs

Children’s advocates have been working hard to build public and political will to enhance funding for programs that support early childhood development. But these advocates have faced a major...


Building Public Understandings of Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Welcome to Building Public Understanding of Comprehensive Immigration Reform—a collection of framing research, recommendations, and sample communications.


Telling Stories Out of School: Reframing the Education Conversation through a Core Story Approach

This toolkit is designed to help leading voices in the education sector to build support and cultivate demand for an excellent public school system by building public understanding of issues such...


Finish the Story on Immigration

This Multimedia MessageMemo summarizes the findings from a comprehensive multi-method investigation of how Americans view the immigration system and recommends specific reframing tools that...

Toolkit File

You Say…They Think

This chart offers helpful strategies for choosing the right tested frame elements to ensure that the message you say is the message people hear.

Toolkit File

Talking Points

Review the key messages that are the campaign’s major themes.

Toolkit File

What’s in the swamp of Immigration?

Visual summary of relevant findings from cultural models research.

Toolkit File


Stay on message in the face of tough questions.

Toolkit File

Engaging the Public Productively: Strategies to Advance the Conversation about Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Just want the gist? Try this article. It’s also ideal for sharing with colleagues.


Don’t Always Stay on Message: Using Strategic Framing to Move the Public Discourse On Immigration (Executive Summary)

This is the executive summary of an unusually large-scale experimental survey of 8000 Americans which weighs the effects of pro-immigration values on immigration attitudes and policies by testing...