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FrameWorks maintains an active schedule of presentations, briefings, and workshops.

Showing 73 – 84 of 263


Framing for change: the science of effective communication

The way we frame, or position, our issues and information can be the difference between cutting through and opening up space for a productive conversation and shutting down thinking and...


Culture Change Roundtable: Is Social Division All In Our Heads?

New findings from the Culture Change Project show a particular mindset gaining ground in American culture—that social division is driven by the media and is largely a product of our own...


Stanford Center on Early Childhood

Cultural mindsets affect our ability to develop and advance new, innovative solutions to addressing inequities in early childhood. Framing can help shift these mindsets and create space and...


Framing Child Maltreatment

The science of framing can help us be more effective communicators. This is especially true on and issue like child maltreatment where people are quick to disengage and where there are a...


Culture Change Project: understanding culture and how to shift it

Since May 2020, FrameWorks has been tracking a set of deep and dominant American cultural mindsets. We are finding that mindsets have in fact changed since the beginning of the pandemic and, in...


Framing: the science of effective communication

The way we position our communications can be the difference between ideas cutting through and having their intended effect, and backfiring and having unintended consequences. This presentation...


Framing the intersection of racism & early childhood

Racism is a form of adversity that affects the process of early childhood development. Message framing and narrative building is an important part of building the will to make the changes...


The Science of Effective Communication

Understanding and applying framing research and practice can help public health professional navigate complex situations. This scenario-based webinar talks about how to apply lessons from framing...


Culture Change Project: Understanding Culture and How to Shift It

Culture in American is in Flux. This presentation explores on key shift that we are seeing through our work on the Culture Change Project.


Framing Science

Effectively communicating the science of early childhood requires an understanding of how people think about young children and ways to navigate these mindsets. It also requires strategies for...


Culture Change Project understanding culture and how to shift it

The Culture Change Project provides advocates a way to track changes in deep mindsets over time. The project can help inform strategy, pilot emerging framing strategies, and evaluate the impact of...


FRAMING: the science of effective communication

The science of framing can be a powerful tool in moving ideas and shifting culture. This presentation lays out 5 essential findings from the science of framing that can help researchers, policy...