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How we talk about equity can shift and change how people think about it. It can reveal the root causes of racial and social disparities. It can elevate equity-focused policy.

We can’t get to the society we want without talking about racial, social, and economic equity. But if communications aren’t framed carefully, they can backfire, and opportunities to build support for change can be missed.

FrameWorks’ research on issues ranging from justice reform, residential segregation, and health disparities highlights the need to explain how social issues work, lead with shared values, and spotlight solutions.

Explore these resources to find out what to emphasize, and what to avoid when talking about equity.

Showing 13 – 24 of 55


Framing Guidance: Equitable Physical Activity

This resource contains a set of framing recommendations for voices in the physical activity sector to shift dynamics and move toward a more fair and just society where everyone has access to...


Journey to Success Campaign: Quick Messaging Guide

Six key messages and framing tips for each of the Journey to Success campaign's policy goals.


Advocating for Transition Age Foster Youth: Framing for the Journey to Success Campaign

Strategic brief on Framing for the Journey to Success Campaign

Frame Testing Recommendations

Framing Guidance: How to Communicate about Transgender Youth

Six strategies for communicating effectively about transgender youth.


Framing Racial Equity in Adolescence: Messaging Strategies for Social Change

This playbook is part of a broader effort to change how we think and talk about adolescence and adolescent development in America.


Framing Racial Equity in Adolescence: Messaging Recommendations for Advocates and Communicators

The purpose of this document is to equip advocates and communicators working in the youth space with more effective shared messaging that can build understanding, change attitudes, and raise...


Communicating About the Social Implications of AI: A FrameWorks Strategic Brief

Artificial intelligence (AI): good or evil?


Communicating about the Social Implications of AI: Research Methods and Sample Composition

Research supplement for 'Communicating About the Social Implications of AI: A FrameWorks Strategic Brief.'


Communicating About Young People at Risk of Educational Exclusion in England: A FrameWorks Strategic Brief

We need a new conversation that centres on the needs of young people at risk of exclusion. Changing the public conversation is crucial to create an environment in which politicians and educational...


Talking About Poverty: Narratives, Counter-Narratives, and Telling Effective Stories

This report synthesizes the complex body of research around existing poverty narratives and counter-narratives, with practical advice about how to use narratives to create better stories—and,...


Protected: Menthol Messaging: Findings from an influencer audit

This report is is designed for the benefit of organizations and professionals in the health equity and tobacco control movements. It is not intended for public distribution. We ask that you...


Reframing Transition Age Foster Youth

Introduction The resources in this toolkit are designed to collectively build the understanding and support we need to change the narrative around transition age foster youth. Building public...